RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Public Services in WmRosettaNet Package | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.estd.rosettaNet:getRNOMimePart
A general purpose service that retrieves part of a RosettaNet document as an Integration Server document. This service can be used as follows:
*For incoming document processing. For example, as an exception handler. You should only use this service as an exception handler after a complete RosettaNet Object (RNO) is available. For example, after receiving an incoming RNO or after sending an RNO when a complete RNO is prepared and data has been mapped to the format used by the internal system.
*To replace services when migrating from a previous RosettaNet release, such as wm.ip.rnif11.util:getRNIF11Documents and wm.ip.rnif20.util:getRNIF20Documents.
The output of this service is a document list to accommodate situations in which output consists of multiple documents, such as attachments.
Input Parameters
String The part of the document to extract (for example, service header, preamble, or payload).
String Optional. The fully qualified name of the IS document type, to maintain the order and dimensionality of elements of the resulting document.
Output Parameters
Document List An array of objects that contain details of the part name provided in the input.
Usage Notes
You can map the output of this service to an IS document representing a particular part of an RNO, such as preamble. Obtain the IS document type using either of the following methods:
*If you are migrating from RosettaNet Module 6.0.1, you can use the document types available in 6.0.1. Import 6.0.1 documents into RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2 using Designer and then map the imported documents.
*Create a new IS document type in Designer. Specify XML as the source and provide an XML document that contains header data, such as preamble header data from an RNO.
*Create the IS document type using the DTD provided by the RosettaNet standard for any specific header document type. webMethods RosettaNet Module provides DTDs specific to the transport protocols RNIF 1.1 and RNIF 2.0 in the following directories:
*Integration Server_directory\packages\WmRNIF11TRP\dtd
*Integration Server_directory\packages\WmRNIF20TRP\dtd
Map the output of this service to a document reference list corresponding to the IS document type you created earlier. For example, if you created a preamble IS document type, create a document reference list of preamble type and map this list to the resultDocuments output parameter of the service.