RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Error and Exception Handling | Transaction Time Out Errors: Notification of Failure (NOF) | Sending NOF Documents
Sending NOF Documents
To send an NOF to your trading partner, you must define a way to trigger the NOF. In other words, you must define your PIP process models to initiate a PIP 0A1 when error conditions are encountered during processing. In addition, your trading partners must also configure their RosettaNet Module installations to accept NOFs.
*To send the Notification of Failure (NOF) document
In Integration Server Administrator, go to RosettaNet page and import the SamplePIP0A1.par file, available on the Communities Website:
Import the sample specific to the version of IS you are using.
This imports all NOF related assets, including Trading Networks XML document types, IS documents and TPAs. For more details about importing PIP archives, see Importing PIP Specification/PIP Archives.
For working example of the NOF usage scenario, check the SamplePIP3A4 Buyer model, part of the RosettaNet samples available on the Communities Website.