RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Error and Exception Handling | When Might Errors or Exceptions Occur? | General Errors With RosettaNet PIP Documents
General Errors With RosettaNet PIP Documents
The following table lists the general errors that may occur with a RosettaNet PIP document based on the RNIF (1.1 or 2.0) protocol and the direction of the business document (whether inbound or outbound).
RNIF Version
How RosettaNet Module Responds to the Error
Inbound documents
1.1, 2.0
Header validation fails
Process Engine puts the conversation in an error state. Sends an exception with the error reason to the trading partner.
1.1, 2.0
Signature verification fails
Process Engine puts the conversation in an error state. Does not send an exception.
1.1, 2.0
Content validation fails
Process Engine puts the conversation in an error state. Sends an exception with the error reason to the trading partner.
Decryption fails
Process Engine puts the conversation in an error state. Does not send an exception.
Unpacking a RNO when transport protocol is in Test mode
Process Engine puts the conversation in an error state. Sends an exception with the error reason to the trading partner.
Outbound documents
1.1, 2.0
Validation fails
Process Engine puts the conversation in an error state. Does not send an exception. (This error can occur only if outbound validation is turned on.)
1.1, 2.0
Cannot package the RNO
Process Engine puts the conversation in an error state. Does not send an exception.
1.1, 2.0
Error occurs during HTTP/HTTPS transmission
RosettaNet Module retries the transmission the designated number of times. If the transmission fails on all attempts, Process Engine puts the conversation in an error state.