RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Configuration Properties | Configuring RosettaNet to Archive RNOs
Configuring RosettaNet to Archive RNOs
By default, RosettaNet Module archives all business documents (except large business documents) that it sends and receives to the specified archive directory. You can retrieve these archived RNOs by accessing the archive directory and opening the archived RNOs in a text editor.
Archiving RNOs to the file system is an added level of archiving provided for debugging purposes. If performance is a concern, however, you should turn off this level of archiving. You can archive large business documents by configuring the RosettaNet.largeDocument.archive parameter.
*To archive inbound or outbound RNOs to the file system
1. Open the config.cnf file in a text editor from the following directory:
Integration Server_directory\packages\WmRosettaNet\config
2. Change the value of the RosettaNet.archive.archiveLocation parameter to the directory where you want to archive your documents. The default directory is Integration Server_directory\packages\WmRosettaNet\archive. The archive directories are as follows:
*<archivelocation>\transport\receiving for archived inbound RNOs.
*<archivelocation>\transport\sending for archived outbound RNOs.
Some Operating Systems allows only specified number of characters for filenames, and this filename length also includes the length of the entire directory structure where the file is stored. As a result of this limitation, in some cases, the archived RNO file name is too long, and you cannot execute any file operations like copy, move, download, retrieve for further recording or storage, on the archived RNO.
Software AG recommends to keep the default archive location to a directory close to root directory. This is to ensure that, when the Integration Server installation is in a directory that is far from the root directory, the Operating Systems limitation regarding file name lengths does not affect the file operations on archived RNOs.
3. Set the value of the RosettaNet.archive.required parameter as true, to archive documents.
To archive large documents, set the value of RosettaNet.largeDocument.archive parameter to true.
4. Set the value of the RosettaNet.archive.maxArchiveSize parameter to the maximum directory size for archiving documents. The default value is -1, which indicates unlimited storage of archived RNOs. If you exceed the maximum limit set, old archives are deleted to make space for the new archives. The value of the RosettaNet.archive.maxArchiveSize parameter is expressed in bytes.
RNO archive file names are composed of a series of parts, separated by underscores and uses the format: TNDocType_UniqueID_TimeStamp.rno, where
*TNDocType is the Trading Networks document type.
*UniqueID is a part of the ConversationID, that is unique.
*TimeStamp is the time when the RNO is archived.
For example, an archived RNO might be named as PIP3A4 v1.1 Purchase Order RequestActionDocument_c0a80103f70d4a250000009e1342791898139_1342791899465.rno.
5. Save and close the configuration file.
6. Reload the WmRosettaNet package.