RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Managing RosettaNet Cache | Managing the RosettaNet Module Cache | Setting the maxEntriesLocalDisk Value
Setting the maxEntriesLocalDisk Value
To avoid long Garbage Collector (GC) pauses and to enhance the performance, set the maxEntriesLocalDisk value for RosettaNet Module.
To view and update the value for maxEntriesLocalDisk in Integration Server, see the section on increasing the maximum elements on disk size in the Increasing Cache Size chapter of webMethods Integration Server Clustering Guide.
You need to determine the maxEntriesLocalDisk value for RosettaNet Module cache. For example, RosettaNet Module stores about 5 KB of memory per transaction. If the total JVM memory is 800 MB and 200 MB of memory is free, then RosettaNet Module can use this available memory. Calculate the total number of transactions for 2 days (by default, TTL is set to 2 days), that is, the number of entries entered in Ehcache. If 50 MB memory is used for 10000 transactions, then you can set the maxEntriesLocalDisk value to up to 40000 transactions for 200 MB of memory.
If you are using...
Perform the following...
Single node environment
Perform one of the following tasks:
*Increase the value for maxEntriesLocalDisk based on the available JVM memory.
*Change the cache setting to set the overflow value for maxEntriesLocalDisk that uses the BigMemory license to control the data overflow.