RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Managing RosettaNet Cache | Managing the RosettaNet Module Cache | Clearing the RNModelSessionCache when using Coherence
Clearing the RNModelSessionCache when using Coherence
When Coherence is the cache type associated with Integration Server, you can clear the RNModelSessionCache by doing one of the following:
*Restarting Integration Server.
*Configuring the time, in minutes, after which the cache must be cleared.
The below procedure explains how to set the time after which, the RNModelSessionCache must be cleared.
*To configure time after which cache must be cleared - with cache type Coherence
1. Shut down the Integration Server.
2. Open the < Integration Server_directory>\config\Caching\webm-cache-config.xml file.
3. Add the following tags in the webm-cache-config.xml file.
If you are using...
Add the following to your webm-cache-config.xml file...
Single node environment
Clustered environment
If you are using Integration Server Version 7.1.3, in the <name> tag, add IS Cluster:<the name of the cluster>:RNModelSessionCache. For example, if the name of the cluster is Seller_Cluster, the <name> tag must be as follows:
<name>IS Cluster:Seller_Cluster:RNModelSessionCache</name>
The following step contains details about the XML tags and their values.
4. The XML tag values you must specify are as follows:
For this XML tag...
The time after which the contents of the cache is considered as expired. The contents of the cache can be deleted only after it is marked for expiration. Use the format:
<expiryDelay>value</expiryDelay>, where value is the time after which the contents are marked as expired.
Example: <expiryDelay>15m</expiryDelay>, where 15m indicates 15 minutes of time.
Value can be given in the following formats:
*MS or ms (milliseconds)
*S or s (seconds)
*M or m (minutes)
*H or h (hours)
*D or d (days)
The time interval between periodic cache flushes of the expired cache content. Use the format:
<flushDelay>value</flushDelay>, where value is the time interval.
Example: <flushDelay>20m</flushDelay>, where 20m indicates 20 minutes of time. That is, the cache flushes the expired content every 20 minutes.
Value can be given in the following formats:
*MS or ms (milliseconds)
*S or s (seconds)
*M or m (minutes)
*H or h (hours)
*D or d (days)
Set the delay values as greater than the expiration time of the process models of the existing PIPs being used. If the delay values are set wrongly, the objects that are needed later, may get cleaned up. This will result in errors during transaction.
5. Restart the Integration Server.