RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Error and Exception Handling | RosettaNet Module Error Codes
RosettaNet Module Error Codes
0002.000000.000003E TPA cannot be null. Specify valid TPA.
Explanation:  TPA is not defined for the transaction.
Action:  Define and enable the TPA using My webMethods Server.
0002.000000.000006E Valid security certificate not set in Trading Partner's profile.
Explanation:  The trading partner profile in Trading Networks is not configured with valid certificates.
Action:  Configure a valid certificate in Trading Networks partner profile.
0003.000000.000001E Cannot invoke service '{0}' in service group '{1}'.
Explanation:  There was an issue executing the specified service.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
0003.000000.000002E Cannot create the XML document.
Explanation:  There was an error while creating the header of the RosettaNet message.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
0003.000000.000003E Cannot find hostname required to create Content ID.
Explanation:  Unable to retrieve the host name of the machine. As a result, the contentID field does not contain host name. This will not affect the functioning of the module.
Action:  No action required.
0003.000000.000004E RosettaNetException occurred while checking the transport type.
Explanation:  Could not verify the type of RNIF transport in the received RosettaNet message.
Action:  Check whether the WmRNIF20TRP package is installed and enabled. Also, verify that the HTTP header of the received RosettaNet message contains correct transport related information.
0003.000000.000006E RosettaNet message sending failed.
Explanation:  There was an error while sending the rosettanet message. See the server log for details.
Action:  Refer to the server log for details.
0003.000000.000007E Error occurred while validating the RosettaNet message. See server log for details.
Explanation:  Error occurred when validating the received RosettaNet message. The validation error is logged in the server log.
Action:  Refer to the validation error in the server log.
0003.000000.000011E Cannot find the RosettaNet header: '{0}'.
Explanation:  The received RosettaNet message does not have the mentioned header.
Action:  The received RosettaNet message is invalid. Correct the message according to Rosettanet specification.
0003.000000.000012E RosettaNetException occurred while creating the exception message.
Explanation:  There was an error while creating or sending the RosettaNet exception message.
Action:  Refer to the server log for details.
0003.000000.000013E Found an invalid header at '{0}:{1}'. The invalid header value in the incoming stream is: '{3}'. Valid header value is: {2}.
Explanation:  The received RosettaNet message has an invalid header.
Action:  Refer to the server log for details.
0003.000000.000014E Found a header at '{0}:{1}' with invalid length. The invalid header value in the incoming stream is: '{3}'. Valid length is between: {2}.
Explanation:  The header in the received RosettaNet message has invalid length.
Action:  Refer to the server log for more details.
0003.000000.000015E The ReceiptAcknowledgment message requires non-repudiation. Ensure that the message is signed.
Explanation:  Signing is enabled for sending the acknowledgement in the TPA, but the received message is not signed.
Action:  Ensure whether non repudiation is required between partners and update the TPA accordingly.
0001.000000.000002E Cannot find the MIME header '{0}' in '{1}'.
Explanation:  The received RosettaNet message does not contain the required MIME header.
Action:  Refer to the server log for further details. Check with the partner with the error details in the server log.
0001.000000.000003E TPA cannot be null. Specify valid TPA.
Explanation:  TPA is not defined for the trading partner.
Action:  Define and enable the TPA using My webMethods.
0001.000000.000005E Set the encryption algorithm in the TPA, from Trading Networks Console / My webMethods.
Explanation:  Valid encryption algorithm is not set in the TPA.
Action:  Select the appropriate encryption algorithm using My webMethods for the TPA in RNIF2.0/EncryptionAlgorithm.
0001.000000.000006E Missing security information {0}.Go to Trading Networks Console / My webMethods and set a valid security certificate in the trading partner's profile.
Explanation:  The trading partner's profile does not have a valid certificate configured.
Action:  Use My webMethods Server to configure a valid certificate in trading partner's profile.
0001.000000.000007E Error occurred while parsing the RNO MIME message.
Explanation:  There was an error while parsing the received RosettaNet message.
Action:  Refer to the server log for more details.
0001.000000.000011E The input document '{0}' must be an XML document.
Explanation:  The specified TN business document is invalid.
Action:  This is an internal error. Contact SoftwareAG Global support.
0001.000000.000012E Unknown input document. Define the document type using Trading Networks Console / My webMethods.
Explanation:  The specified document type is not defined in Trading Networks.
Action:  Ensure that the document type is created and is enabled in trading networks, using Trading Networks Console or My webMethods.
0001.000000.000013E Unknown input document '{0}'. Define the document type using Trading Networks Console / My webMethods.
Explanation:  The specified document type is not defined in Trading Networks.
Action:  Ensure that the specified document type is defined and enabled in Trading Networks, using TN Console or My webMethods.
0001.000000.000014E Cannot recognize the incoming payload with any xml doc type.
Explanation:  The doctype for the RosettaNet message is not present in Trading Networks.
Action:  Either create the specified doctype in My webMethods, or correct the RosettaNet message to specify the appropriate root tag.
0001.000000.000016E Cannot load the TPA that has sender={0}, receiver={1}, and TPA ID = {2}.
Explanation:  There is no TPA configured for the specified Sender, Receiver and Agreement ID.
Action:  Create a TPA with the specified Sender, Receiver and AgreementID.
0001.000000.000019E Trading Networks cannot encrypt the document. Check the certificate settings in the trading partner profile.
Explanation:  The profile in Trading Networks has not been configured with valid certificates.
Action:  Configure a valid certificate in the trading partner's profile.
0001.000000.000020E Cannot find the certificate '{0}'. Set the security certificate key in the trading partner profile using Trading Networks Console / My webMethods.
Explanation:  Could not find the private key in the configured certificate. An invalid certificate has been configured in Trading Networks.
Action:  Specify a valid certificate in Trading Networks.
0001.000000.000021E Cannot detect the RNIF transport protocol. Check if required RNIF headers are present in the incoming message, and the required RNIF packages are loaded and enabled.
Explanation:  Unable to detect the RNIF transport protocol. The required RNIF headers may be missing in the incoming message, or the required RNIF packages are not loaded and enabled.
Action:  Check if the required transport package (WmRNIF11TRP or WmRNIF20TRP) is installed and is enabled and also verify that, the received HTTP Header of the RosettaNet message has the correct transport related information.
0001.000000.000031E No specified delivery method for the trading partner. Define the delivery method in the trading partner's profile using Trading Networks Console / My webMethods.
Explanation:  There is no delivery method specified for the trading partner.
Action:  Go to Trading Networks Console / My webMethods and define the delivery method in the trading partner's profile.
0001.000000.000032E Preferred protocol not set for the trading partner. Specify the preferred protocol in the trading partner's profile using Trading Networks Console / My webMethods.
Explanation:  There is no preferred protocol for the trading partner.
Action:  Specify the preferred protocol in the trading partners profile from Trading Networks Console / My webMethods.
0001.000000.000034E Data integrity failure: Cannot find '{0}'.
Explanation:  The specified variable is not present in the pipeline.
Action:  Check if the specified variable is dropped from the pipeline.
0001.000000.000035E Cannot find the process model with model ID {1} for the TN document '{0}'. Ensure that the model is saved and active.
Explanation:  Cannot find the process model for the specified TN document.
Action:  Ensure that the model for the TN document is saved and enabled.
0001.000000.000036E Failed to load the input TPA. This may happen if the TPA is not in a 'Agreed' status or the conversation id to which this TPA belongs is not valid, the conversation id for this PIP is either expired or is not valid.
Explanation:  Failed to load the specified TPA. This may happen if the TPA is not in a 'Agreed' status or the conversation id to which this TPA belongs is not valid, the conversation id for this PIP is either expired or is not valid.
Action:  Ensure that the Status of TPA is set as 'Agreed'.
0001.000000.000039E Cannot find TPA that contains the sender {0}, receiver {1}, and agreement ID {1}. Define the TPA using Trading Networks Console / My webMethods.
Explanation:  Cannot find a trading partner agreement (TPA) for the specified sender, receiver and agreement ID.
Action:  Using TN Console / My webMethods, define the trading partner agreement.
0001.000000.000040E The required attribute '{0}' is not defined for extraction in the TN document type '{1}'. Define the attribute '{0}' to extract using Trading Networks Console / My webMethods.
Explanation:  The specified attribute is not defined in the TN document type.
Action:  Use Trading Networks Console / My webMethods to define the specified attribute.
0001.000000.000041E TPA '{0}' does not contain the required field 'IS Schema'. This error occurs when the schemaValidation parameter is not set to true and the 'IS Schema' value is not set in the TPA. Set the 'IS Schema' parameter for the TPA using Trading Networks Console / My webMethods Server.
Explanation:  This error occurs when the schemaValidation parameter is not set to true and the 'IS Schema' value is not set in the TPA.
Action:  Use Trading Networks Console / My webMethods to set the 'IS Schema' parameter for the specified TPA.
0001.000000.000046E Payload validation failed. Cannot find PIP '{0}' in package WmRNPIPs. Ensure that the required PIP schema or DTD has been imported.
Explanation:  Payload validation failed because RosettaNet module could not find the required ISDoc in WmRNPips package.
Action:  Ensure that the required PIP has been imported using PIP tools or using the par import feature.
0001.000000.000048E Payload validation failed for document type '{0}' with schema {1}. The following errors occurred: {2}.
Explanation:  Payload validation failed for the specified ISDocument or IS schema.
Action:  Check the server log for the validation failure reason.
0001.000000.000049E The incoming message contains an invalid signature.
Explanation:  The signature verification failed for the received message. The Rosettanet message has an invalid signature.
Action:  Check the validity of the partner certificates, or check with the partner and request to resend with valid signature.
0001.000000.000056E Error occurred while decrypting the message.
Explanation:  There was an issue while decrypting the received Rosettanet message.
Action:  Refer the server log for further details about the error.
0001.000000.000057E Partner profile of '{0}' that has the partner ID '{1}' and partner name {2} is inactive. Activate the partner using Trading Networks Console / My webMethods.
Explanation:  The specified partner profile is inactive.
Action:  Use TN Console / My webMethods to activate the partner profile.
0001.000000.000058E TPA validation for the transport type failed. Received an invalid RNO {1} instead of RNO '{0}'. Update the transport type using Trading Networks Console / My webMethods.
Explanation:  The version of the received Rosettanet message is not in sync with version specified in the TPA.
Action:  Ensure that the Rosettanet message for the given RNIF transport version is same as what is defined in the TPA.
0001.000000.000059E The received request does not contain signature, but the TPA for this request requires that the request should contain signature. If you do not require that this partner sign the request, go to Trading Networks Console / My webMethods and update the required TPA parameter.
Explanation:  The received Rosettanet message does not contain signature. The TPA for this request requires that the request should contain signature.
Action:  If you do not need the partner to sign the request, go to TN Console / My webMethods, and update the required TPA parameter for signing.
0001.000000.000079E Validation service failed with following error '{0}'.
Explanation:  There was an error while executing the custom validation service specified in the TPA.
Action:  Refer to the server log for details about the error.
0001.000000.000080E Found an invalid header at '{0}:{1}'. The invalid header value in the incoming stream is: '{3}'. Valid header value is: {2}.
Explanation:  The received Rosettanet message has an invalid header.
Action:  Refer to the server log for the error details.
0001.000000.000081E Trading Networks cannot decrypt the document. Check for the certificate settings in the trading partner profile.
Explanation:  There was an error while decrypting the received Rosettanet message.The profile certificate is either not specified or is invalid.
Action:  Use trading networks to specify a valid certificate for the profile.
0001.000000.000083E Found a header at '{0}:{1}' with invalid length. The invalid header value in the incoming stream is: '{3}'. Valid length is between: {2}.
Explanation:  The length of the header of the received Rosettanet message is invalid.
Action:  Refer to the server log for details about the error.
0001.000000.000084E Required payload encryption does not exist in the incoming document.
Explanation:  The received Rosettanet payload is not encrypted, but the TPA is configured for payload encryption.
Action:  Correct the TPA data to disable payload encryption or request the partner to send encrypted payload.
0001.000000.000085E Required header encryption does not exist in the incoming document.
Explanation:  The header of the received Rosettanet message is not encrypted, but the TPA is configured for header encryption.
Action:  Correct the TPA data to disable header encryption or request the partner to send encrypted header.
0001.000000.000086E Insufficient MIME components. Expecting at least 3 mime components, but received only '{0}'.
Explanation:  The received Rosettanet message should have atleast 3 mime components, but this message has less than 3.
Action:  Request partner to send a valid Rosettanet message with required MIME components.
0001.000000.000087E MIME components are not in proper sequence. Ensure that sequence is as follows: Preamble Header, Service Header and Service Content.
Explanation:  The headers of the received Rosettanet message are not in the required order as per specification.
Action:  Request the partner to send valid Rosettanet message with correct order of MIME components.
0001.000000.000088E MIME components are not in proper sequence. Ensure that sequence is as follows: Preamble Header, Delivery Header, Service Header and Service Content.
Explanation:  The MIME components of the received Rosettanet message are not in correct order as per specification.
Action:  Request the partner to a send a valid Rosettanet message.
0001.000000.000091E Transport Registry found null. Exception reason being - '{0}'
Explanation:  Could not find the transport package while trying to send an exception message to the partner.
Action:  Ensure that either one of the transport packages RNIF11TRP or RNIF20TRP are present and are enabled.
0001.000000.000092E RNIF 1.1 does not support Attachment with Payload. Remove attachment and retry.
Explanation:  RNIF 1.1 does not support attachments, but the Rosettanet message has attachments.
Action:  Correct the message and retry.
0001.000000.000093E Unable to make transport request. The response code was: {0} and status message was: {1}
Explanation:  There was a HTTP error while sending Rosettanet Message.
Action:  Refer to the server log for more details about the error code and message.
0001.000000.000094E Unable to make transport request. Please check the host details.
Explanation:  There was a HTTP error while sending Rosettanet message.
Action:  Refer to the server log for more details about the error code and message.
0001.000000.000096E Retries of large document payloads is not supported. Re-run the process.
Explanation:  Retry of sending Rosettanet message having large document payloads is not supported.
Action:  Resend the Rosettanet message.
0001.000000.000098E Active process model not found for business document '{0}'. Ensure that the required process model is built and uploaded.
Explanation:  There is no active process model for the specified Rosettanet document.
Action:  Ensure that the required process model is built, uploaded and is active.