webMethods RosettaNet Module Version 6.0.1

Release Notes 

webMethods is pleased to announce the availability of the webMethods RosettaNet Module Version 6.0.1.  In this release, the functionality of previous versions have been ported to the new webMethods 6.0.1 Integration Platform, which has now been officially certified through the RosettaNet Ready RNIF badging program.  In the Fall of 2002, all RosettaNet Board members signed a letter indicating that, in looking for a RosettaNet solution, companies should first look to the list of companies that have been certified through the RosettaNet Ready program.

RosettaNet Ready RNIF Badge

In February of 2003, webMethods’ RNIF 2.0 implementation was officially certified through the RosettaNet Ready badging program.  This ensures that, through 3rd party certification, webMethods is fully compliant with the RNIF 2.0 specification.  The badging process involved over 190 test cases on all aspects of RNIF 2.0 support.

Migration of Conversation Manager to new Process Run Time

In webMethods 6.0.1, all components execution is managed through the Integration Server Process Run Time (PRT) engine. The previous Conversation Manager / Conversation Script run time has been migrated to the new universal PRT. Other advantages of this re-design:

·        More seamless process integration between RosettaNet PIP conversations and back-end integration components of webMethods

·        Comprehensive process logging and the ability to restart a RosettaNet conversation at any point

Use of Trading Partner Agreements (TPA) in place of Conversation Script Parameters

Conversation Script parameters have been moved to the new TPA tab in Trading Networks, in lieu of the need for extended parameters.  This design is more intuitive for users and provides and upgrade path, should RosettaNet decide to implement the use of Trading Partner Agreements as an official RosettaNet specification.

PIP Tool and PIP Archives Updated

PIP Archive Record (PAR) files now consist of an NS record, document type and TPA parameters (vs. NS record, document type, and conversation scripts).  The PIP tool has been modified to create these new PAR files and the PIP archive available for download will be converted to this format (note: the old PIP tools and archives will still be available for users of 4.x versions of the RosettaNet Module).

PIP Business Models and Samples Updated

With Conversation Scripts/Conversation Manager no longer necessary, all PIPs process development now uses webMethods Modeler (formerly called Business Integrator). The Business Integrator samples and business model templates from previous versions have been updated for use with webMethods Modeler 6.0.1.

Software and Platform Support

For details on the software and hardware required to run webMethods RosettaNet Module version 6.0.1, see the Installation Guide.


webMethods Administrator, webMethods Broker, webMethods Developer, webMethods Installer, webMethods Integration Server, webMethods Mainframe, webMethods Manager, webMethods Modeler, webMethods Monitor, webMethods Trading Networks, webMethods Workflow, and the webMethods logo are trademarks of webMethods, Inc. "webMethods" is a registered trademark of webMethods, Inc.

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