webMethods RosettaNet 6.0.1 Service Pack 1
Enhancements and Fixes

November 2005

This file provides important information about enhancements and fixes in webMethods RosettaNet Module 6.0.1 Service Pack 1. For information about enhancements and fixes in previous webMethods RosettaNet Module releases, see the readme for those releases.


1.0 Enhancements

2.0 Included Fixes and Service Packs

3.0 Other Resolved Issues

4.0 Terminology Changes

5.0 Added and Removed Services and APIs

6.0 Enhancements and Fixes in Previous Release

1.0 Enhancements


2.0 Included Fixes and Service Packs

webMethods RosettaNet Module 6.0.1 Service Pack 1 includes the following fixes and service packs that were shipped since the last release.

1-XSREO (RN_6-0-1_Fix27)
Missing content in webMethods Trading Networks Console (TNC) when receiving a compressed PIP7C7 document in gzip form.

This problem was occurring while recognizing an incoming RosettaNet message with a very large compressed payload. The wm.ip.rnif20.mime:processCompressedData service was reading the entire payload in memory while decompressing it, which was resulting in an OutOfMemoryError.

1-VMUO9 (RN_6-0-1_Fix26)
The encode type was not set for the wm.ip.util:generateHrefList = service.

This fix sets the encoding to "true" for creating the XML string from the document that is specified as input to the generateHrefList service.

1-XH3UN (RN_6-0-1_Fix26)
Validation of RosettaNet documents.

This fix provides support for schema-based validation of RosettaNet documents. New fields have been added to the wm.ip.rn.rec:UserParameters IS document type, which you use in a Trading Partner Agreement (TPA). The wm.ip.rn.rec:UserParameters IS document type identifies the TPA data used by webMethods RosettaNet Module for RosettaNet transactions. The following fields have been added to the wm.ip.rn.rec:UserParameters IS document type:

- SchemaValidation

  Specifies whether to use schema-based validation. Specify "Yes" to use schema-based validation, or "No" to use document-based validation. "No" is the default.

- ISSchema

  If you specified "Yes" for SchemaValidation, use must use this field to specify the fully-qualified name of the IS Schema you want the webMethods RosettaNet Module to use for validation of RosettaNet documents.

1-XH0HJ (RN_6-0-1_Fix25)
The SenderID and ReceiverID are not correct when using non-DUNS number on the document. This was happening because the ID type was hardcoded as DUNS in the code.

This fix has removed this hard coded ID type so that it would work for any ID type.

1-X2I7L (RN_6-0-1_Fix23)
Need to provide support in webMethods RosettaNet Module for the SMIME Compression of RosettaNet payload per TA RNIF v2.00.01.

This fix provides that support. It uses SMIME for compressing the Service Content and Attachment, in conjunction with or without signing and encryption. The compression is done using the ZLIB algorithm.

- Compressing service-content:

  A new boolean switch, 'CompressContent', has been added in the Trading Partner Agreement (TPA). It should be set as 'Yes' to compress the service-content. Its default value is 'No' indicating not to compress service-content.

- Compressing Attachment:

  A boolean switch, 'compression', has been provided in the wm.ip.util:AddAttachment in the WmIPRoot package. While adding the attachment this should be set as 'Yes' to compress the attachment. Its default value is 'No' indicating not to compress the attachment.

1-VDGF9 (RN_6-0-1_Fix23)
RNIF 2.0 Exception document is not being generated correctly on an outbound message. This is happening after installing RN_6-0-1_Fix17.

This issue has been resolved.

1-WX5P1 (RN_6-0-1_Fix21)
Trading Networks doctypes that extracted any ID other than DUNS for triggering a conversation script were not starting a process.

This fix will ensure that any ID can be extracted in the doctype to start a process.

1-UGWLR (RN_6-0-1_Fix19)
Special characters in Service Content causes the wm.ip.rnif11.trp:createReceiptAck service to fail.

This issue has been resolved.

1-UN8Z5 (RN_6-0-1_Fix18)
Some useful RosettaNet related variables are output in the wm.ip.cm:waitStepInit service so that they can be logged and queried from WmMonitor.

1-RV4QJ (RN_6-0-1_Fix17)
The wm.ip.util:writeLog service sends only the required inputs to the wm.prt.log:logActivityMessage service, which takes at least one field value from the pipeline when inserting it into the database. The result is that after invoking the wm.ip.util:writeLog service, the information that should be logged is missing and that the results in the Activity messages are not being displayed.

This issue has been corrected. The wm.ip.util:writeLog service now forwards the entire pipeline to the wm.prt.log:logActivityMessage service.

1-U5Q7X (RN_6-0-1_Fix17)
Modular PIP schema fails validation for Incoming Payload.

This issue has been resolved.

1-UAD5H (RN_6-0-1_Fix16)
Error with restoring RN11BizDocType. This fix enables you to successfully restore RNIF11BizDocType from an exported file restored using pub.flow:restorePipelineFromFile.

1-TVFSY (RN_6-0-1_Fix15)
No audit context defined exception is thrown when wm.ip.util:writeLog or wm.ip.util:writeI18NLog services are invoked.

This issue has been resolved.

1-TN30R (RN_6-0-1_Fix14)
inReplyTo.ActionControl in ServiceHeadermust be populated for all messages except the first message (including signal messages).

This issue has been resolved.

1-TD8HP (RN_6-0-1_Fix13)
GlobalDigestAlgorithmCode in RNIF 1.1 Receipt Ack must be SHA1.

This issue has been resolved.

1-T9LL1 (RN_6-0-1_Fix12)
PIDX exception document is not recognized in webMethods Trading Networks.

This issue has been resolved.

1-T7L4F (RN_6-0-1_Fix11)
RNIF 1.1 requires Preamble datetime to be in UTC/GMT.

This issue has been resolved.

1-SCI4J (RN_6-0-1_Fix10)
When invoking the service wm.ip.cm.handlers:error from a global error process, the model step will cause the model to be marked as failed.  If the failed step is resubmitted from WmMonitor, the step would fail again, but the model was incorrectly being updated as "Completed". 

This fix modifies this service so that the model will now update correctly.

1-RWWD3 (RN_6-0-1_Fix9)
Ariba 151 and RNIF 2.0 register their own content handlers for content-type "multipart/related". This prevents Ariba 151 and WmRNIF20TRP packages from co-existing on the same server.

This fix uses the enhancements in IS_6-0-1_SP2_Fix145 to avoid a content handler collision among various products.

1-RV4QJ (RN_6-0-1_Fix8)
The wm.ip.util:writeLog service sends only the required inputs to the wm.prt.log:logActivityMessage service, which takes at least one field value from the pipeline when inserting it into the database. The result is that after invoking the wm.ip.util:writeLog service, the information that should be logged is missing and that the results in the Activity messages are not being displayed.

This issue has been corrected. The wm.ip.util:writeLog service will now forward the entire pipeline to the wm.prt.log:logActivityMessage service.

1-QR768 (RN_6-0-1_Fix7)
Two issues have been addressed with this fix.

- Signing of outbound large documents in RNIF 1.1 was not being done correctly.

- Creation of Receipt Acknowledgement for an inbound signed large document was throwing a class cast exception.

1-QOHZV (RN_6-0-1_Fix6)
RNIF 1.1 Preamble/DateTimeStamp does not conform to RNIF 1.1 specs.

This issue has been resolved.

1-RXXYX (RN_6-0-1_Fix5)
This fix enables you to create a Modular PIP (schema-based) using webMethods PIP Tools with the webMethods RosettaNet Module.

1-NT2DJ (RN_6-0-1_Fix4)
When an incoming document does not have the domain element in the Delivery Header populated, validation fails.

This issue has been resolved.

1-MVD19 (RN_6-0-1_Fix4)
ServiceHeader/ProcessControl/KnownInitiatingPartner/PartnerIdentification /domain/FreeFormText/@xml:lang is hardcoded to "EN" causing validation failures.

This issue has been resolved.

1-N93PB (RN_6-0-1_Fix3)
The RNIF 20 Service Header Message Guideline states the FreeFormText must have a minimum of 1 character. Currently, the service header in 6.0.1 allows for empty tags.

This fix forces at least 1 character in the FreeFormText field when the field is present.

1-KMX29 (RN_6-0-1_Fix1)
Internal Documents do not display conversation id in webMethods Trading Networks.

This issue has been resolved.

For detailed information on these fixes and services packs for webMethods RosettaNet Module 6.0.1, see the Knowledge Base on the webMethods Advantage Web site.

3.0 Other Resolved Issues

The issues listed below have been resolved in webMethods RosettaNet Module 6.0.1 SP1 but were not previously released in any fixes or service packs.

Signing and encryption fail because the certificate is not at the location where webMethods RosettaNet Module expects it to be. This issue is most likely due to certificate changes in webMethods Trading Networks 6.5.

This issue has been resolved.

4.0 Terminology Changes


5.0 Added and Removed Services and APIs


6.0 Enhancements and Fixes in Previous Release

To view information about the previous release of webMethods RosettaNet Module 6.0.1, see the previous readme on the webMethods Bookshelf.

