Module for ISO_8583 9.6.June 2016 | Understanding and Using webMethods ISO8583 | Installing and Using Module for ISO_8583 | Configuring webMethods Module for ISO_8583 | Configure TCP/IP client | Deleting ISO_8583 Connections
Deleting ISO_8583 Connections
If you no longer want to use a particular ISO_8583 connection, you can delete it by following the instructions in this section. You delete ISO_8583 connections using Integration Server Administrator.
1. In the Solutions menu in Integration Server Administrator, click ISO_8583 Module.
2. Make sure the connection is disabled before deleting it. For instructions, see Disabling ISO_8583 Connections.
3. On the Connections screen click the Delete icon for the connection you want to delete.
Integration Server deletes the ISO_8583 connection.