Module for ISO_8583 9.6.June 2016 | Understanding and Using webMethods ISO8583 | Installing and Using Module for ISO_8583 | Configuring webMethods Module for ISO_8583 | Configure TCP/IP client | Send ISO_8583 Messages | Defining ISO_8583 as the delivery method in trading partner profiles
Defining ISO_8583 as the delivery method in trading partner profiles
1. In My webMethods, go to Applications > Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Profiles > Add Profile.
2. On the Delivery Settings tab,click Add Delivery Method.
3. In the Delivery Method field, select ISO_8583. Set values for the following required fields:
When configuring the delivery settings for the ISO_8583 client, do not specify values in the Host, Port, User Name, and Password fields. Module for ISO_8583 uses the value in the connectionAlias field to obtain the details of the ISO_8583 server.
The document representation of the ISO_8583 message.
The qualified namespace of the ISO_8583 connection to the ISO_8583 server, in the format folder:connectionName. For example, connections:tcpip_host
4. Select the Use as preferred protocol checkbox if you want to use ISO_8583 as your preferred method to deliver ISO_8583 messages to your partner.
5. Click OK.