Module for ISO_8583 9.6.June 2016 | Understanding and Using webMethods ISO8583 | Installing and Using Module for ISO_8583 | Configuring webMethods Module for ISO_8583 | Configure HTTP client | Send ISO_8583 messages using Trading Networks | Defining HTTP as the delivery method in trading partner profiles
Defining HTTP as the delivery method in trading partner profiles
1. In My webMethods, go to Applications > Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Profiles > Create Enterprise Profile.
2. On the Delivery Settings tab,click Add Delivery Method.
3. In the Delivery Method field, select Primary HTTP. Set the following values:
The partner's host name or IP address. For example,
The port number on which the partner listens for incoming requests, for example, 5555.
User Name
The user name that your Trading Networks system is to supply when connecting to the partner’s system. This field is for a partner profile only.
The password that your Trading Networks system is to supply (along with User Name). This field is for a partner profile only.
For information about other fields on the Add Delivery Methods screen, see the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.
4. Select the Use as preferred protocol checkbox if you want to use HTTP as your preferred method to deliver ISO_8583 messages to your partner.
5. Click OK.