Module for ISO_8583 9.6.June 2016 | Understanding and Using webMethods ISO8583 | Installing and Using Module for ISO_8583 | View Information about ISO_8583 Messages | View ISO_8583 Messages
View ISO_8583 Messages
Processing Status
You can view the following types of information about your ISO_8583 messages on the Transactions page in My webMethods:
*Sender and receiver of the ISO_8583 message.
*Date the document was received.
*Processing status of the ISO_8583 message.
*User status.
*Document type.
*Related documents (for example, the response document).
*On the Content tab, you view the ISO_8583 text/plain Data content part that contains the actual ISO_8583 message.
*On the Activity Log tab, you view the steps that the document goes through during inbound or outbound processing.
For steps to view documents, see the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.