Module for ISO_8583 9.6.June 2016 | Understanding and Using webMethods ISO8583 | Installing and Using Module for ISO_8583 | WmISO8583 Services |
Sends ISO_8583 messages to a trading partner using the specified Trading Networks transport protocol.
Input Variables
Object Optional. The incoming ISO_8583 message in the form of bytes.
DocumentOptional. The Trading Networks document representation of an ISO_8583 message.
StringOptional. The namespace for the message scheme.
StringOptional. The Trading Networks transport protocol to use for sending the message.
*For HTTP, set to Primary HTTP.
*For TCP/IP, set to ISO_8583.
If you provide a value for tnProtocol, it will take precedence over the preferred protocol set for the trading partner in his Trading Networks profile.
String Optional. External ID of the sender.
String Optional. External ID type of the sender.
String Optional. External ID of the receiver.
String Optional. External ID type of the receiver.
Output Parameters
Document Contains the outcome of the send operation. The output of the delivery is determined by the Trading Networks document record type. For more information about this document record type, see the webMethods Trading Networks Built-In Services Reference for your release. The document sendStatus has the following parameters:
*status String The status the delivery service returns. Valid values are:
*success - The send operation is successful.
*failure - The send operation has failed.
*status Message String The delivery-specific message that the delivery service returns along with the status.
*transport Time String The total time (in milliseconds) that the delivery service used to deliver the document.
*bizDocID String The BizDocEnvelope ID of the sent document.
*messageID String The ISO_8583 message Control ID of the sent message.
*response Object The incoming ISO_8583 message in the form of bytes.