Module for ISO_8583 9.6.June 2016 | Understanding and Using webMethods ISO8583 | Installing and Using Module for ISO_8583 | Defining Trading Networks Information | Define Trading Networks Profiles | Define Enterprise Profile | Required Enterprise Profile Fields
Required Enterprise Profile Fields
Profile information is displayed on the Applications > Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Profiles tab in My webMethods. The following table lists and describes the required fields you must set when defining your enterprise profile (My Enterprise).
Required Profile Field for Enterprise
Corporation Name
The name of your enterprise.
Unit Name
Optional. Specify the name of your unit.
External IDs > Add ID
The value for the external ID type that your enterprise uses within documents.
When exchanging documents, partners typically identify themselves within a document using Merchant Identifier (MID) number. You must specify the value that identifies your enterprise for that ID type.
Delivery Settings > Add Delivery Method
Specify the delivery method that you want Trading Networks to use to send ISO_8583 messages to your partner’s system.
You must specify at least one delivery method as your preferred method by selecting the Use as preferred protocol check box. If you do not specify a preferred delivery method in Trading Networks, Module for ISO_8583 will not be able to determine how to send and receive the ISO_8583 messages.
You can specify any of the transport protocols that Module for ISO_8583 supports. For more information about the supported protocols, see Create ISO_8583 Clients.
For procedural information about defining your enterprise profile, as well as descriptions of the fields you must complete when defining your enterprise profile, see the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.