Module for ISO_8583 9.6.June 2016 | Understanding and Using webMethods ISO8583 | Installing and Using Module for ISO_8583 | Set up webMethods Module for ISO_8583 | Step 3: Prepare to Send and Receive Messages
Step 3: Prepare to Send and Receive Messages
The following lists the tasks you perform to send and receive messages using Module for ISO_8583, and provides references to the chapters in this book where you can find more information about each task:
*Generate IS documents. To parse or create ISO_8583 messages using Module for ISO_8583, you need to generate the IS documents for the supported ISO_8583 messages. Module for ISO_8583 provides default jPOS message configuration files (supplied by the ISO_8583 standards organization) that you use to create the default message scheme for the module. For information about using the default message scheme to generate IS documents, see Generating Document Types.
*Parse ISO_8583 messages. The WmISO8583 package of Module for ISO_8583 contains built-in services that you use to convert ISO_8583 messages to IS document format and to create ISO_8583 messages from IS documents. For more information, see Parsing Incoming ISO_8583 Messages into IData Objects.
*Create clients and configure communication protocols. To exchange messages using Module for ISO_8583, you create clients that use the supported communication protocols. For a list of the supported transports and the configuration steps for each transport, see Create ISO_8583 Clients.