Module for ISO_8583 9.6.June 2016 | Understanding and Using webMethods ISO8583 | Installing and Using Module for ISO_8583 | Overview of webMethods Module for ISO 8583 | Process ISO_8583 Messages with Trading Networks | Processing Outbound ISO_8583 Messages | Deliver Outbound ISO_8583 Messages Using the Module for ISO_8583 Send Service
Deliver Outbound ISO_8583 Messages Using the Module for ISO_8583 Send Service
The following diagram illustrates the process of receiving an internal-format document, creating an ISO_8583 message from that document, and submitting the outbound ISO_8583 message to Trading Networks for processing and delivery using the Module for ISO_8583 service.
A back-end system or client sends an internal-format document to Module for ISO_8583, invoking the wm.estd.iso8583.service:convertIDataToISOMsg service to convert the IS document into an ISO_8583 message.
For information about creating an ISO_8583 message, see Creating Outgoing ISO_8583 Messages.
After creating the ISO_8583 message, Module for ISO_8583 invokes the service to submit the outbound ISO_8583 message into Trading Networks document processing.
During the initial processing of the ISO_8583 message, the Module for ISO_8583 service either:
*Obtains the BizDocEnvelope created by the service.
*Generates the BizDocEnvelope internally using the information from the ISO_8583 message fields.
The Module for ISO_8583 send service selects the BizDocEnvelope that matches the required TN document type for the outbound ISO_8583 message. The BizDocEnvelope contains the outbound ISO_8583 message as the content, and the values from the message fields as attributes.
The Module for ISO_8583 send service sends the ISO_8583 message using one of the Trading Networks transport protocols.
For more information about configuring the Trading Networks transport protocols, see Create ISO_8583 Clients and the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.