Module for ISO_8583 9.6.June 2016 | Understanding and Using webMethods ISO8583 | Installing and Using Module for ISO_8583 | Defining Trading Networks Information | Define ISO_8583 Trading Partner Agreements
Define ISO_8583 Trading Partner Agreements
TPA for Inbound and Outbound communication
Create a Partner-Specific TPA
Every TPA is uniquely identified by a Sender, Receiver, and an ISO8583 TPA agreement ID. During a transaction between trading partners, Module for ISO_8583 uses this information to retrieve the TPAs for the initiator/sender and fulfiller/receiver in the transaction and to process the business documents exchanged. Every message that is exchanged in Module for ISO_8583 is associated with a TPA.
You define and view TPAs in My webMethods on the Administration > Integration > B2B > Trading Partner Agreements page. For detailed information about working with TPAs in My webMethods, see the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide.
You must configure at least one TPA (or use the default Module for ISO_8583 TPA) to be able to execute message transactions.
With Module for ISO_8583, you can create a TPA in one of the following ways:
*Create a default TPA. Module for ISO_8583 automatically creates a default TPA when you run the module for the first time. Use the default TPA to meet the requirements of the majority of your trading partners. For example, when you want to prevent multiple Trading Networks queries to the database to assess what TPA should be used.
The default TPA is created with the following values:
The parameter,schemeID contains no value by default. senderQualifier is set to 2 and receiverQualifier is set to 32 by default.
You must define a schemeID in the default TPA. The module uses the schemeID defined in the default TPA to construct the ISO_8583 message if the value is missing in the HTTP and TCP/IP clients.
During message processing, Module for ISO_8583 first searches for a TPA with unique values for the Sender, Receiver, and the ISO8583 TPA, and a Status value of agreed. If that TPA exists, Module for ISO_8583 uses it. If no such TPA exists, the module uses the default TPA.
*Create a partner-specific TPA. Use this option when you must define partner-specific values in the TPA fields that are different from the default values in the Module for ISO_8583 default TPA. When creating a partner-specific TPA, you have to specify only the information that is different from the defaults.