HL7 Module 7.1 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Managing HL7 Code Tables | Managing Standard Code Tables | Selecting the Default Trading Partner
Selecting the Default Trading Partner
If you use only the standard set of code tables, you manage the standard code tables and code table values directly from the Manage Code Tables page in the HL7 Module user interface in Integration Server Administrator. The [Default] partner is the only available partner when customizing for Trading Networks partners is disabled. For information about how to enable customizing for trading partners, see Customizing for a Trading Partner.
If you have enabled customizing for one or more Trading Networks trading partners, you must first select the HL7 Module [Default] trading partner before you can manage the standard set of code tables. The [Default] trading partner is automatically selected when you click the left-hand navigation link to the Manage Code Tables page. You can also select the [Default] partner from the Select Partner field that becomes available after you enable customizing for Trading Networks partners for at least one trading partner.
*To select the Default trading partner
1. Start Integration Server and Integration Server Administrator if they are not already running.
2. In Integration Server Administrator, go to Solutions > HL7 Module > Manage Code Tables.
3. In the Select Partner field on the HL7 Module Code Tables page, select [Default].
HL7 Module displays a table that lists the standard code tables available in the HL7 Module database.