HL7 Module 7.1 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Managing HL7 Code Tables | Uploading Code Table Values
Uploading Code Table Values
HL7 Module allows you to load code table values for one or more Trading Networks partners directly from a file.
Before you load code tables values from a file, you must ensure that the file is located in the Integration Server_directory \WmHL7\data\codetables\upload directory and is in tab-separated value (TSV) format. For more information about the file requirements, see Formatting the Code Tables and the Code Table Values Files.
*To upload code table values from a file
1. Start Integration Server and Integration Server Administrator if they are not already running.
2. In Integration Server Administrator, go to Solutions > HL7 Module > Manage Code Tables.
3. On the Manage Code Tables page, clickUpload Code Table Values.
4. In the Input file name field on the Upload Code Table Values page, select the name of the input file from the list. For example, sample.tsv.
If the file list is empty, ensure that the input file is located in the correct directory. See the important note before this procedure for details.
5. In the Available partners box, select the names of the partners that you require. You must select at least one partner.
The Available partners box contains only the names of trading partners for which you have enabled customizing.
6. Click the right arrow under the Available partners box to move the selected partners into the Selected partners box.
If you want to remove a partner from the Selected partners box, select the partner name and click the left arrow under the Selected partners box. The partner will be moved back to the Available partners box.
7. Click Load.
HL7 Module loads the code table values and displays the results from the load operation in the Results table.
The following table lists the errors that might occur during the load operation and how HL7 Module responds to the error:
Error occurs when...
How HL7 Module Responds to the Error
A code table value specified for a code table for a selected trading partner is already present.
Logs a warning message and ignores the value.
A table specified for a selected partner does not exist or is not customized.
Logs a warning message and ignores the value.
Any other error related to partner specific code tables occurs.
The whole operation rolls back. No partial updates performed.