HL7 Module 7.1 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Defining Trading Networks Information | Custom Trading Networks Attributes for HL7 Version 2.x Messages
Custom Trading Networks Attributes for HL7 Version 2.x Messages
The custom attributes for HL7 version 2.x messages are added to Trading Networks when you install HL7 Module. The module checks if all the HL7 Trading Networks attributes are already present during startup. If they are not present, the attributes are registered with Trading Networks. For information about how to view and manage document attributes, see the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.
Note:HL7 Module extracts the values for these attributes from the corresponding fields of the MSH segment of the HL7 message.
Not all attributes listed in the following tables qualify for a specific HL7 2.x version. The tables describe a super-set of all attributes across all 2.x versions supported by HL7 Module. For information about the elements defined in a specific HL7 2.x standard, see the HL7 documentation for that standard. When a Trading Networks attribute does not qualify for a specific HL7 2.x version, the generated BizDocEnvelope has an empty value for that particular attribute.
In My webMethods, you can view the following custom attributes associated with the HL7 Default and HL7 XML Default TN document types:
Custom Attribute
MSH Segment Field
HL7 Field Separator
Defines the character to be used as a field separator in the message. Recommended value is |
HL7 Encoding Characters
Contains two to four special characters used in constructing the message in the following order: the component separator, repetition separator, escape character, and subcomponent separator. Recommended values are ^~\&
HL7 Sending Application
Identifies the sending application among all applications that participate in the HL7 message exchange within the enterprise. The HL7 Module createBizDoc service uses the value of this attribute for the sender profile ID when the input senderID information is missing.
HL7 Sending Facility
Identifies the sending application among multiple identical instances of the application running on behalf of different organizations.
HL7 Receiving Application
Identifies the receiving application among all applications that participate in the HL7 message exchange within the enterprise. The HL7 Module createBizDoc service uses the value of this attribute for the receiver profile ID when the input receiverID information is missing.
HL7 Receiving Facility
Identifies the receiving application among multiple identical instances of the application running on behalf of different organizations.
HL7 Datetime Of Message
Contains the date and time when the sending system created the message.
HL7 Security
Contains security information for the HL7 message.
HL7 Message Type
Indicates the message type of the HL7 message. For example, ADT_A01.
HL7 Message Control Id
Unique identifier for the message, such as a number. The response is related to the original message based on the message control Id.
HL7 Processing Id
Indicates whether to process the message as part of a production, training, or debugging system.
HL7 Processing Mode
Indicates whether the message is part of an archival process or an initial load.
HL7 Version Id
Identifies the HL7 message version. For example, 2.3.
HL7 Sequence Number
Indicates whether the sequence number protocol is in use. Valid values are:
*null - The sequence number protocol is not in use.
*non-null - The sequence number protocol is in use.
HL7 Continuation Pointer
When a single logical HL7 message is fragmented and sent as several actual HL7 messages, this attribute contains a unique value that is used to match a subsequent message with this specific value.
HL7 Accept Acknowledgment Type
Indicates whether an accept acknowledgment is required in response to the message. This attribute has the following valid values:
*AL- Always. HL7 Module always sends an accept acknowledgment.
*NE -Never. HL7 Module never sends an accept acknowledgment.
*ER -Error conditions only. HL7 Module sends an accept acknowledgment only when it encounters errors.
*SU -Successful completion only. HL7 Module sends an accept acknowledgment only when it receives the message successfully.
HL7 Application Acknowledgment Type
Indicates whether an application acknowledgment is required in response to the message. HL7 Module does not process the MSH-16 field. The Application Acknowledgment is processed and generated by the receiving partner as required.
HL7 Country Code
Contains the country of origin of the message specified in three-character (alphabetic) form as defined by ISO 3166.
HL7 Character Set
Contains the character set for the entire message. The default value is ASCII.
HL7 Alternate Characterset Handling Scheme
Specifies the scheme to use for alternative character sets. The default value for this attribute is null. It indicates that no alternate character sets occur in this message.
HL7 Message Profile Identifier
Refers to or indicates adherence to a message profile. Message profiles contain grammar, syntax, and usage details for a message or set of messages.
HL7 Sending Responsible Organization
Identifies the business organization that is the originator of the message and is legally responsible for the contents of the message. The value for this attribute contains the name and ID number of the organization.
HL7 Receiving Responsible Organization
Identifies the business organization that is the intended receiver of the message and is legally responsible to act on the information that the message contains. The value for this attribute contains the name and ID number of the organization.
HL7 Receiving Network Address
Identifies the network location (such as the URL) to which the message was sent.
The HL7 Acknowledgment and HL7 XML Acknowledgment TN document types are associated with all of the above Trading Networks attributes and a few additional ones, described in the following table:
Custom Attribute
MSA Segment Field
HL7 Code
Indicates the HL7 message coding system. This attribute contains values, such as AA, AL, and AR.
HL7 Control Id
This field contains the message control ID of the message sent by the sending system. The sending system uses this ID to associate this response with the message for which it is intended.
HL7 Text
Contains text data to display on a screen or printer to describe an error condition.
HL7 Expected Sequence Number
This attribute is used in the sequence number protocol.
HL7 Waiting Number
Indicates the number of messages the acknowledging application has waiting in a queue.
HL7 Waiting Priority
Indicates the priority of the most important message in the sending application. Valid values are:
*H - High. There is at least one message with priority “high” waiting for an acknowledgment.
*M - Medium. There is at least one message with priority “medium” and no messages with higher priority waiting for an acknowledgment.
*L - Low. The highest priority of any message waiting is “low”.