HL7 Module 7.1 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Configuring webMethods HL7 Module | Generating Message Schemes | Associating a Trading Partner Agreement with a Message Scheme ID
Associating a Trading Partner Agreement with a Message Scheme ID
To use a specific HL7 message scheme to exchange messages between two trading partners, you must associate the message scheme ID with the trading partner agreement that you use for the message exchange.
*To associate a trading partner agreement with a message scheme ID
1. Create a custom message scheme as described in Creating a Custom Message Scheme.
2. Create a trading partner agreement as described in Defining HL7 Trading Partner Agreements.
3. In the wm.ip.hl7.tn.tpa.rec:HL7TPA document, specify the message scheme ID for your custom message scheme in the hl7MessageScheme/schemeID parameter. For example, com.example.custom.scheme.
4. In Designer or Developer, run the wm.ip.hl7.tn.tpa:initTPA service to populate the TPA with the values for the specified IS document type.