HL7 Module 7.1 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Configuring webMethods HL7 Module | Configuring Communication Protocols | MLLP | Receiving HL7 Version 2.x Messages | Configuring an MLLP Port
Configuring an MLLP Port
*To configure an MLLP port
1. Open Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. Go to Security > Ports.
3. Click Add Port.
4. In the Add Port area of the screen, select webMethods/MLLP.
5. Click Submit. Integration Server Administrator displays a screen requesting information about the port. Enter the following information:
The port on which Integration Server listens for MLLP requests. For example, 6000.
If your Integration Server runs on a UNIX system, using a port number below 1024 requires that the server run as 'root.' For security reasons, Software AG discourages this practice. Instead, run your Integration Server using an unprivileged user ID on a high number port (for example 1024 or above) and use the port remapping capabilities present in most firewalls to move requests to the higher numbered ports.
Package Name
The name of the package associated with the MLLP port. The default is WmHL7.
When you enable the package, the server enables the port. When you disable the package, the server disables the port and the MLLP port option is not visible on the Integration Server Administrator Add Port screen.
When you specify a package name other than the default value, the package associated with the MLLP port must have package dependency set to either the WmHL7 package, or to a package that is dependent on the WmHL7 package. In this way you ensure that when the WmHL7 package is disabled, the MLLP port package will be also disabled.
For information about specifying package dependencies, see the webMethods Service Development Help.
If you replicate this package, Integration Server creates a port with this number and the same settings on the target server. If a port with this number already exists on the target server, its settings remain intact. HL7 Module will continue to work after it is replicated to another server.
Bind Address (optional)
The IP address to which to bind this port. For example, or myhl7.server.com.
Specify a bind address if your machine has multiple IP addresses and you want the port to use this specific address. If you do not specify a bind address, the server picks one for you.
The name of the Integration Server service that the MLLP listener invokes when it receives an HL7 message via the MLLP transport. The default value is wm.ip.hl7.tn.service:receive.
When you use a custom service, the input and output signature of the custom service should have contentStream as an input parameter and response as an output parameter (similar to the wm.ip.hl7.tn.service:receive service). When the MLLP Listener receives the HL7 message, it sets the received content to the contentStream parameter and picks the response from the response output parameter. The listener sends this response as an acknowledgement for the received message when you use the synchronous delivery mode.
Synchronous ACK
Specify whether HL7 Module sends an acknowledgement synchronously or asynchronously. The default is No. Valid values:
*Yes HL7 Module sends a synchronous ACK using the same connection channel.
*No HL7 Module sends an asynchronous ACK via a new channel.
For more information about sending an accept acknowledgment, see Sending an Accept Acknowledgment.
Run As User
The name of the Integration Server User that the MLLP listener uses to invoke the service specified in the Service field. By default no user is specified in the field. To specify a user, click the icon and select a User Name from the Select User box.
6. Click Save Changes.
7. On the Ports screen, click Edit in the IP Access column to restrict the IP addresses that can connect to the MLLP port as follows:
*Allow by Default. Set up the port to allow requests from all hosts except for ones you explicitly deny. Use this approach if you want to allow most hosts and deny a few. This is the default setting.
*Deny by Default. Set up the port to deny requests from all hosts except for ones you explicitly allow. Use this approach if you want to deny most hosts and allow a few.