HL7 Module 7.1 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Overview of webMethods HL7 Module | Message Schemes and IS Document Types | Default Message Scheme
Default Message Scheme
Each set of message definitions is identified by a message scheme ID. HL7 Module provides a set of XML schemas (supplied by the HL7 standards organization) for each supported HL7 2.x message version. These XML schemas represent the default message scheme for HL7 Module. The scheme ID for the HL7 Module default message scheme is wm.ip.hl7.docType. The default XML schemas are installed with HL7 Module and located in the Integration Server_directory \packages\WmHL7\data\xsd\wm.ip.hl7.docType\ vmessageVersion directory. For information about how to configure HL7 Module to use the default message scheme, see Generating Message Schemes.