HL7 Module 7.1 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | webMethods HL7 Module Services | WmHL7 Package | wm.ip.hl7.service:convertHL7ToIData
Converts an ER7 or XML-encoded HL7 version 2.x message into an IS document (IData object) that contains the internal document format.
When parsing XML-encoded messages using the HL7 Module convertHL7ToIData service, the service does not generate correct IData when the XML-encoding does not conform to the schema (for example, required segments are missing).
Input Parameters
Document The HL7 message to be converted into an IData object.
String Optional. The name of the message schema definition. For example, ADT_A01.
The messageType parameter is case sensitive. By default all HL7 message schema definitions use the uppercase.
String Optional. The HL7 message version. Valid values: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.3.1,2.4,2.5,2.5.1, 2.6,and 2.7.
String Optional. The encoding type of the HL7 message. Valid values are:
*ER7 - The input message is in HL7 ER7 format.
*XML - The input message is in HL7 XML format.
String Optional. Used to determine the encoding when reading the HL7 message. If no value is specified, the charsetEncoding to be used is determined based on the information in the TPA. For more information, see the flow charts in Determining the Encoding of HL7 Messages.
Valid values for this parameter are the Java charset encoding values supported by the HL7 standard.
For information about the charset encoding supported by the HL7 standard, see Code Table: 0211 (Alternate Character Sets).
The charsetEncoding input parameter is different from the encoding mentioned in the HL7 message MSH.18 field. HL7 Module does not use the MSH.18 field encoding to parse or process the HL7 message.
String Optional. Specifies whether to perform syntactic, semantic, and code table validation during the conversion process.
When validate is set to true:
*If the convertHL7ToIData service expects a required segment, but gets an invalid segment, the service throws an exception.
*If the convertHL7ToIData service does not expect a required segment and gets an invalid segment, the service does not parse the remaining message and logs a warning for the invalid segment.
If code tables are disabled, no code table validation is performed even if validate is set to true.
Note:HL7 Module performs mandatory field validation in the MSH segment even when validate is set to false.
Although HL7 Module does not restrict the length of the field data, the module logs a warning when length constraints are violated.
When the value is set to true, the following operations will be performed:
*Check if all required elements are present in the input data.
*Validate code tables.
*Validate field data. This is the default. value.
When the value is set to false, validation is disabled.
When validate is set to false and a required segment or a required segment in a segment group is missing in the message, the generated IData structure does not contain the missing segment or segment group reference.
Document Optional. Specifies settings related to the message scheme. Parameters are:
*schemeID String Optional. The unique message scheme ID to use for conversion.
*To use custom message definitions, do one of the following:
*Specify a value for the schemeIDparameter. HL7 Module uses the message schemas that correspond to the schemeIDvalue. In this case, the values that you specify for some or all of the other messageScheme parameters will be ignored.
*Do not specify a value for the schemeID parameter, but provide values for the remaining messageScheme parameters. In this case, HL7 Module extracts the schemeID from the TPA. The module uses the message schemas that correspond to the schemeID extracted from the TPA.
*To use the default message definitions provided with HL7 Module, do one of the following:
*Specify wm.ip.h.17.docType (the schemeID for the default XML schemas provided with HL7 Module).
*Do not specify values for any of the messageScheme parameters.
*senderID String Optional. The external sender ID for the input HL7 message.
*senderIDType String Optional. The external sender ID type for the input HL7 message.
*receiverID String Optional. The external receiver ID for the input HL7 message.
*receiverIDType String Optional. The external receiver ID type for the input HL7 message.
Output Parameters
Document The IData representation of the HL7 message for the specified message.
Document Specifies whether any parsing or invalid message errors occurred.
Document List When the validation flag is turned on, lists the validation warnings (if any).