HL7 Module 7.1 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | webMethods HL7 Module Services | WmHL7 Package | wm.ip.hl7.tn.utils:createBizDoc
A utility service that converts an HL7 version 2.x message into BizDocEnvelope format. The BizDocEnvelope that the service creates takes one of the following TN document types:
*When the HL7 message type of the inbound HL7 message is ACK:
*HL7 Acknowledgment (for HL7 ER7 messages)
*HL7 XML Acknowledgment (for HL7 XML messages)
*For all other HL7 message types.
*HL7 Default (for HL7 ER7 messages)
*HL7 XML Default (for HL7 XML messages)
The generated BizDocEnvelope contains all the attributes for which the message has specified values. Based on the HL7 message format, the service:
*Adds an HL7 ER7-encoded message to the BizDocEnvelope as a content part with HL7 ER7 Data as the content part name.
*Adds an HL7 XML-encoded message to the BizDocEnvelope as a content part with HL7 XML Data as the content part name.
Usage Notes:
*If the senderID or senderIDType is not present, the service obtains thesenderID or senderIDType from the 'MSH-3' (Sending Application) field of the MSH segment of the message. The service uses the value of the 'HD-2' (Universal ID) component as the senderID and the value of the 'HD-3' (Universal ID Type) component as thesenderIDType.
*If the receiverID or receiverIDType is not present, the service obtains the receiverID or receiverIDTypefrom the 'MSH-5' (Receiving Application) field of the MSH segment of the message. The service uses the value of the 'HD-2' (Universal ID) component as the receiverID and the value of the 'HD-3' (Universal ID Type) component as the receiverIDType.
For more information about the MSH-3 and MSH-5 fields, see Format of the Sender Application and Receiver Application Fields.
Input Parameters
String Optional. External ID of the sender.
StringOptional. External ID type of the sender.
StringOptional.External ID of the receiver.
StringOptional. External ID type of the receiver.
Object The incoming HL7 message in the form of a string, stream, or bytes.
String Optional. Used to determine the encoding when reading the HL7 message. If no value is specified, the charsetEncoding to be used is determined based on the information in the TPA. For more information, see the flow charts in Determining the Encoding of HL7 Messages.
Valid values for this parameter are the Java charset encoding values supported by the HL7 standard.
For information about the charset encoding supported by the HL7 standard, see Code Table: 0211 (Alternate Character Sets).
The charsetEncoding input parameter is different from the encoding mentioned in the HL7 message MSH.18 field. HL7 Module does not use the MSH.18 field encoding to parse or process the HL7 message.
Output Parameters
Document Trading Networks document representation of the incoming HL7 message.