HL7 Module 7.1 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | webMethods HL7 Module Services | WmHL7 Package | wm.ip.hl7.tn.tpa:createHL7TPA
Use this service to:
*Create a partner specific TPA and associate it with a blue print of the TPA that establishes the TPA parameters and values.
*Associate the TPA with a fully-qualified service name of a service that fills in the tpaData parameter with default values.
*Set the Status of the TPA to agreed.
When the specified senderID, receiverID, and agreementID are not unique, the service reports an error. If the service fails to create a TPA for any other reason, it throws an exception.
Input Parameters
String External ID of the sender. The default value is Unknown.
StringExternal ID type of the sender.
StringExternal ID of the receiver. The default value is Unknown.
StringExternal ID type of the receiver.
Document The TPA values. For details about this IS document, see wm.ip.hl7.tn.tpa.rec:HL7TPA.
Output Parameters
Document The TPA object.
Document Optional. The error reported by the service.