HL7 Module 7.1 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Verifying The Message Header Segment of HL7 Messages | Extracting the Sender and the Receiver from the HL7 Message Header | Identifying the Sender and Receiver When Sending an HL7 Version 2.x Message
Identifying the Sender and Receiver When Sending an HL7 Version 2.x Message
When using the wm.ip.hl7.tn.service:send service to send HL7 version 2.x messages, the sender and the receiver of the message are determined from the value of the senderID/senderIDType and receiverID/receiverIDType parameters respectively. However, these fields are optional. If no values are provided for these parameters, the sender and the receiver will be determined using the values of the MSH.3 Sender Application and MSH.5 Receiver Application fields in the message header of the HL7 message being sent. For more information see the usage notes of the wm.ip.hl7.tn.service:send service.
If there is no partner profile in Trading Networks that corresponds to the sender and the receiver extracted from the MSH.3 and MSH.5 fields, the sender and the receiver of the message take the value of Unknown.
When sending a message, HL7 Module uses the Delivery Settings of the receiver. If the receiver is Unknown, the message delivery will fail. Create a Trading Networks partner profile for the sender and the receiver that you extracted from the HL7 message header.