HL7 Module 7.1 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Verifying The Message Header Segment of HL7 Messages | Extracting the Sender and the Receiver from the HL7 Message Header | Identifying a Trading Partner
Identifying a Trading Partner
Because Trading Networks uses the combination of Corporation Name and Unit Name in a trading partner profile to identify a partner, HL7 Module requires that either the namespace ID or the combination of universal ID and universal ID Type are specified in the MSH.3 field (for the sender) and the MSH.5 field (for the receiver). The namespace ID in the MSH field of the message header correspond to the Corporation Name and Unit Name values specified in the trading partner profile as follows:
*To identify the sender, the namespace ID in the MSH.3 field corresponds to Corporation Name and optionally, the namespace ID in the MSH.4 field corresponds to Unit Name.
*To identify the receiver, the namespace ID in the MSH.5 field corresponds to Corporation Name and optionally, the namespace ID in the MSH.6 field corresponds to Unit Name.
When all three components (namespace ID, universal ID, and universal ID Type) are specified in the MSH field, HL7 Module uses the universal ID (HD.2) and the universal ID Type (HD.3) components to identify the trading partner. When one of HD.2 or HD.3 components is invalid or does not exist, HL7 Module uses the default Unknown partner profile.
To identify the trading partner when only the namespace ID (HD.1) component is specified, HL7 Module uses the Corporation Name specified in the Trading Networks partner profile and matches the HD.1 value from the MSH.4 or MSH.6 fields against the Unit Name specified in Trading Networks.