HL7 Module 10.5 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Managing HL7 Code Tables | Formatting the Code Tables and the Code Table Values Files
Formatting the Code Tables and the Code Table Values Files
Formatting the Code Tables File
Formatting the Code Table Values File
HL7 Module can load values only from code table and code table value files that are in tab-separated value (TSV) format. If you have code table value files in a different format, such as HTML and pdf files, you must convert each code table value file into a TSV file so that the code values can be added to the HL7 Module database. In addition to the format requirement, the code tables and the code table values file must be located in the Integration Server_directory\packages\WmHL7\data\codetables\upload directory.
The code table and code table values TSV files provided with HL7 Module contain a list of suggested values based on those specified by the HL7 standard. You can add or delete code tables and code table values from those two files as needed.