HL7 Module 10.5 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Logging and Error Handling | Handling Validation Errors
Handling Validation Errors
webMethods HL7 Module provides the wm.ip.hl7.service:validate service that verifies the HL7 version 2.x message as follows:
*Syntax validation. Validates the structure of the message including complex data types.
*Semantic validation. Validates the values of simple data types.
*Code table validation. Validates the codes in the messages against the codes table values.
If you do not want to perform code table validation of HL7 version 2.x messages, disable all code tables from the HL7 Module user interface in Integration Server Administrator. For information about how to do that, see Managing HL7 Code Tables.
The following table lists the type of validation that the validate service performs, the type of error it may encounter, and the response of HL7 Module to the error.
When any unexpected (that is, not listed in the following table) error occurs, HL7 Module stops processing the message and reports an error.
Type of validation
Error occurs when...
How HL7 Module Responds to the Error
The required message header is invalid.
Logs an error message and stops processing the HL7 message.
An invalid segment is found.
Logs an error message and stops processing the HL7 message.
A required segment is absent.
Logs an error message and stops processing the HL7 message.
In the structure of a list/group, either an invalid segment is found, or a required segment is absent.
Logs an error message and stops processing the HL7 message.
An extra segment is found at the end of the message.
Logs a warning message.
An extra field is found at the end of the message.
Logs a warning message.
An extra component is found at the end of the message.
Logs a warning message.
An extra subcomponent is found at the end of the message.
Logs a warning message.
A required field is absent.
Logs an error message, ignores the segment, and goes to the next segment.
The pattern of simple data types DT, DTM, and TM is invalid.
Logs an error message, ignores the field, and goes to the next field.
The length of the message in simple data types FT, GTS, ST, and TX is longer than the limit.
Logs a warning message and truncates the data.
Verifies if the NM simple data type is numeric with a length of 16 digits.
Logs an error message, ignores the field, and goes to the next field.
Verifies if the SI simple data type is a number between 0 and 9999.
Logs an error message, ignores the field, and goes to the next field.
Code Table
The code tables are not configured.
Logs a warning message.
The required code table is disabled.
Logs a warning message.
The required code table does not have any values.
Logs a warning message.
The code tables values do not match.
Logs an error message, ignores the field, and goes to the next field.