HL7 Module 10.5 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Configuring webMethods HL7 Module | Sending an Accept Acknowledgment | Synchronous and Asynchronous Mode of Sending Acknowledgments | Using the HTTP Transport To Send Acknowledgments
Using the HTTP Transport To Send Acknowledgments
When using HTTP as the transport protocol, HL7 Module sends an Accept Acknowledgment to the Sender using either a synchronous, or an asynchronous mode based on how you configure the ackMode parameter when creating a TPA. In My webMethods, in the TPA Data section of the Trading Partner Agreements > Trading Partner Agreement Details screen, you can specify the following values for the ackMode parameter:
*Async This is the default. HL7 Module acknowledges receiving the message by sending an ACK as a separate transaction. The response is sent using the value of the ackProtocol parameter in the TPA.
*Sync HL7 Module acknowledges receiving the message by sending the ACK in the content part of the HTTP response. The HTTP response status code is 200.
For more information about how to create a TPA and modify the default values in the TPA, see Defining HL7 Trading Partner Agreements and the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.