HL7 Module 10.5 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Configuring webMethods HL7 Module | Configuring Communication Protocols | MLLP | Sending HL7 Version 2.x Messages
Sending HL7 Version 2.x Messages
HL7 Module provides the wm.ip.hl7.tn.transport:mllp service that acts as an MLLP client to deliver HL7 version 2.x messages using the MLLP transport protocol. The MLLP delivery service registers with Trading Networks during the startup of HL7 Module as one of the supported delivery methods.
To send HL7 version 2.x messages using Trading Networks, when you create trading partner profiles, you define the MLLP delivery method as part of the partner profile. For more information about creating profiles, see Defining Trading Networks Profiles and the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.
*To define MLLP as the delivery method in trading partner profiles
1. In My webMethods, go to Applications > Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Profiles > Add Profile.
2. On the Delivery Settings tab,click Add Delivery Method.
3. In the Delivery Method field, select MLLP. Set values for the following required fields:
When configuring the delivery settings for the MLLP transport, do not specify values in the Host, Port, User Name, and Password fields. HL7 Module uses the value in the connectionAlias field to obtain the details of the MLLP server.
The qualified namespace of the MLLP connection to the MLLP server, in the format folder:connectionName. For example, connections:mllp_v2_host
Used to determine the encoding when reading the HL7 message. If no value is specified, the charsetEncoding to be used is determined based on the information in the TPA. For more information, see the flow charts in Determining the Encoding of HL7 Messages.
Valid values for this parameter are the Java charset encoding values supported by the HL7 standard.
For information about the charset encoding supported by the HL7 standard, see Code Table: 0211 (Alternate Character Sets).
The charsetEncoding input parameter is different from the encoding mentioned in the HL7 message MSH.18 field. HL7 Module does not use the MSH.18 field encoding to parse or process the HL7 message.
4. Select the Use as preferred protocol checkbox if you want to use MLLP as your preferred method to deliver HL7 messages to your partner.
5. Click OK.