HL7 Module 10.5 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Using HL7 Module In a Clustered Environment | What is webMethods Integration Server Clustering?
What is webMethods Integration Server Clustering?
Clustering is an advanced feature of the webMethods product suite that substantially extends the reliability, availability, and scalability of webMethods Integration Server. Clustering accomplishes this by providing the infrastructure and tools to deploy multiple Integration Servers as if they were a single virtual server and to deliver applications that leverage that architecture. Because this activity is transparent to the client, clustering makes multiple servers look and behave as one. For details on webMethods Integration Server clustering, see the webMethods Integration Server Clustering Guide for your release.
Integration Server 8.2 SP2 and higher supports the caching and clustering functionality provided by Terracotta. Caching and clustering are configured at the Integration Server level and HL7 Module uses the caching mechanism that is enabled on Integration Server. When Integration Server uses Terracotta as its caching provider, HL7 Module does not explicitly implement any clustering or caching beyond what is already provided by Integration Server.
Note:webMethods Integration Server clustering redirects HTTP and HTTPS requests, but does not redirect SMTP requests.