HL7 Module 10.5 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | webMethods HL7 Module Services | WmHL7 Package | wm.ip.hl7.tn.service:send
Sends HL7 version 2.x messages to a trading partner using the specified Trading Networks transport protocol. Based on the transport protocol you specify, the service invokes the corresponding Trading Networks delivery service located in the wm.tn.transport folder of the WmTN package. For more information about Trading Networks delivery services, see the webMethods Trading Networks Built-In Services Reference for your release.
If the bizDoc value is present (that is, the message is in BizDocEnvelope format), the service ignores all the input parameter values, except for tnProtocol and extracts the sender and receiver details from the information already presented in the BizDocEnvelope.
Usage Notes
*If the senderID or senderIDType is not present, the service obtains the senderID or senderIDType from the 'MSH-3' (Sending Application) field of the MSH segment of the message. The service uses the value of the 'HD-2' (Universal ID) component as the senderID and the value of the 'HD-3' (Universal ID Type) component as the senderIDType.
*If the receiverID or receiverIDType is not present, the service obtains the receiverID or receiverIDType from the 'MSH-5' (Receiving Application) field of the MSH segment of the message. The service uses the value of the 'HD-2' (Universal ID) component as the receiverID and the value of the 'HD-3' (Universal ID Type) component as the receiverIDType.
For more information about the MSH-3 and MSH-5 fields, see Format of the Sender Application and Receiver Application Fields.
*The default time out for the send service is 0 (wait infinitely). You can change the default time out by setting the following watt property: watt.net.timeout. For information about how to set the watt property, see the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide for your release.
*When you set the tnProtocol parameter to MLLP, the value of the Ack Timeout parameter of the MLLP connection configured in the receiver’s profile determines whether to read the acknowledgement message.
*When the value of ackTimeout is positive or zero, the send service will wait during the specified timeout to read the response. The status will be success only when the send service sends the response to the remote host and receives a response in return. If the send service does not receive the response from the remote host, the status will be fail.
*When the value of ackTimeout is negative, the status will be success when the send service sends the response message to the remote host.
Input Parameters
Object Optional. The incoming HL7 message in the form of a string, stream, or bytes. When the input HL7 message object is a string, you should initialize the string object with the desired charset encoding.
Document Optional. The Trading Networks document representation of an HL7 message.
String Optional. Used to determine the encoding when reading the HL7 message. If no value is specified, the charsetEncoding to be used is determined based on the information in the TPA. For more information, see the flow charts in Determining the Encoding of HL7 Messages.
Valid values for this parameter are the Java charset encoding values supported by the HL7 standard.
For information about the charset encoding supported by the HL7 standard, see Code Table: 0211 (Alternate Character Sets).
The charsetEncoding input parameter is different from the encoding mentioned in the HL7 message MSH.18 field. HL7 Module does not use the MSH.18 field encoding to parse or process the HL7 message.
String Optional. The Trading Networks transport protocol to use for sending the message. Valid values are:
*For HTTP, set to
*Primary HTTP
*Secondary HTTP
*For HTTPS, set to
*Primary HTTPS
*Secondary HTTPS
*For E-mail, set to
*Primary E-mail
*Secondary E-mail
*For FTP, set to
*Primary FTP
*Secondary FTP
*For MLLP, set to
If you provide a value for tnProtocol, it will take precedence over the preferred protocol set for the trading partner in his Trading Networks profile.
String Optional. External ID of the sender.
StringOptional. External ID type of the sender.
StringOptional.External ID of the receiver.
StringOptional. External ID type of the receiver.
Output Parameters
Document Contains the outcome of the send operation. The output of the delivery is determined by the Trading Networks wm.tn.rec:DeliveryServiceOutput document record type. For more information about this document record type, see the webMethods Trading Networks Built-In Services Reference for your release. The document typically has the following parameters:
*status String The status the delivery service returns. Valid values are:
*success - The send operation is successful.
*fail - The send operation has failed.
*status Message String The delivery-specific message that the delivery service returns along with the status.
*transport Time String The total time (in milliseconds) that the delivery service used to deliver the document.
*bizDocID String The BizDocEnvelope ID of the sent document.
*messageID String The HL7 message Control ID of the sent message.
*output Document The serviceOutputoutput parameter returned by the TN transport protocol specified in the tnProtocol input parameter. For more information about the structure of the serviceOutput parameter, see the webMethods Trading Networks Built-In Services Reference.