HIPAA Link Module Version 7.1 SP1.July 2011 | Understanding and Using HIPAA Link Module | Installing and Using HIPAA Link Module | Creating Clients that Send HIPAA Messages | How pub.estd.hipaa:receive Handles TA1 Transactions
How pub.estd.hipaa:receive Handles TA1 Transactions
Because Module for EDI does not support TA1 technical acknowledgment transactions, HIPAA Link Module adds this support by treating the TA1 technical acknowledgment as a flat file document in Trading Networks rather than as an EDI document.
When the client sends a TA1 technical acknowledgment message to Integration Server, the pub.estd.hipaa:receive service acts as a Trading Networks document gateway service. The gateway service places additional information about the TA1 technical acknowledgment in the pipeline that Trading Networks uses during its recognition processing. Trading Networks then matches the document to the X12 TA1TN document type and proceeds with its normal processing. For more information about Trading Networks flat file processing, see the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.
The following diagram illustrates the processing that occurs when a client sends a TA1 technical acknowledgment to Integration Server.
Client sends a TA1 technical acknowledgment to Integration Server
The client sends the HIPAA message with the content type application/ x-wmflatfile to Integration Server, which in turn passes the HIPAA message to the application/x-wmflatfile content handler. The content handler performs initial processing, including forming the pipeline and placing the ffdata variable in the pipeline. The ffdata variable contains the HIPAA message data.
The content handler invokes the service specified by the client. For a HIPAA message, the client should specify the pub.estd.hipaa:receive service. This service determines that the HIPAA message is a TA1 technical acknowledgment, and therefore, acts as a gateway service for Trading Networks flat file processing.
The pub.estd.hipaa:receive service adds information to the pipeline. It also creates the BizDocEnvelope and sets the TN document type for the HIPAA message to X12 TA1. The service then invokes the wm.tn.route:routeBizdoc service.
The wm.tn.route:routeBizdoc service sends the HIPAA message directly to Trading Networks processing rules, bypassing document recognition. Trading Networks document recognition is bypassed because the pub.estd.hipaa:receive service already performed this function by creating the BizDocEnvelope and determining the TN document type to use for the HIPAA message.