Module for HIPAA 9.6.April 2016 | Understanding and Using HIPAA Module | Installing and Using HIPAA Module | Processing HIPAA Messages Sent to Integration Server | Overview
This chapter describes how to configure Integration Server to process inbound HIPAA messages according to the HIPAA standard, including:
*Setting up Integration Server so that your services receive an inbound HIPAA message.
*Validating the HIPAA message.
*Responding with the appropriate acknowledgments (for example, TA1, 997, 999, and 277A).
This chapter describes processing to comply with HIPAA standards for validating and sending appropriate acknowledgments. It does not describe how to process the actual transactions. Transaction processing is the same as for any other EDI document. For information about processing inbound EDI documents, including how to map data from an EDI document to an external system document, see the webMethods Module for EDI Installation and User’s Guide.