Module for HIPAA 9.6.April 2016 | Understanding and Using HIPAA Module | Installing and Using HIPAA Module | Concepts | Module for HIPAA Architecture
Module for HIPAA Architecture
The following diagram illustrates how Module for HIPAA fits into webMethods architecture.
Architecture and webMethods Components
Integration Server
Integration Server is the underlying foundation of webMethods architecture. It processes requests from and relays responses to an external system.
Trading Networks
Trading Networks enables your enterprise to link with other companies and exchanges to form a business-to-business trading network. For more information, see the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.
Module for EDI
Module for EDI enables your enterprise to receive and process EDI documents. To use Module for HIPAA, you use two of the Module for EDI packages:
*WmEDI package-contains the basic functionality that provides support for the EDI standard to webMethods architecture.
*WmEDIforTN package-allows the interaction between the WmEDI package and Trading Networks, which serves as a gateway for EDI document exchange.
Software AG Designer
At design time, you can use the Service Development perspective of Software AG Designer to create, view, modify, and delete services and IS document types. Also use Designer to run services.
You also use Designer to create process models that define the business processes (also known as a conversation) for your HIPAA implementation. When you generate the new process models, Designer creates the run-time elements (flow services and triggers) in Integration Server. Integration Server's process engine executes the business processes (conversations) at run-time.
Also use process models to process HIPAA documents. For more information, see the webMethods Module for EDI Installation and User’s Guide, the webMethods Service Development Help, and the webMethods BPM Process Development Help for your release.
My webMethods Server
My webMethods Server is a run-time container for functions made available by webMethods applications, such as Integration Server, Trading Networks, and Module for HIPAA. For more information, see the Working with My webMethods guide.
Module for HIPAA
Module for HIPAA is a webMethods component that adds support for the HIPAA 5010 standard. The module contains two packages.
Module for HIPAA
Module for HIPAA can receive, parse, and validate a HIPAA message.
Module for HIPAACode Source
Module for HIPAA Code Source contains the WPC standard Codelist to validate the various fields in a HIPAA message.