Module for HIPAA 9.6.April 2016 | Understanding and Using HIPAA Module | Installing and Using HIPAA Module | Code Source Management | Importing Code Sources | Method 1
Method 1
*To make the code sources available to the module using Method 1
1. Identify the code source IDs of the code sources to be imported. For example, the code source ID of a code source that contains a list of Zip codes is 51.
2. Create a directory, codesource_codesourceid in the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\WmHipaaCodeSource\resources\codesources\versionx directory. For example, codesource_51.
The directory versionx, represents the version of the imported code source where, x is the version number, for example, version1.
You must create directories for every imported code source and code source version, if they do not exist.
3. Create a text file, metadata.txt in the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\WmHipaaCodeSource\resources\codesources\versionx\codesource_codesourceid directory.
4. Define the following properties in the metadata.txt file.
a. Description = Insert a description
The description of the code source you are importing.
b. TableName = Insert the name of the database table
The name of the database table created during the installation of the module. For more information, see Installing webMethods Module for HIPAA.
c. CodeSetFile = Insert the directory path of the code source
The directory path of the code source file containing the list of codes.
d. Delimiter = Insert a delimiter
Define a single character that separates columns in a code source. A delimiter can be alphabets, numerics, or special characters.
This property is mandatory.
If the delimiter contains more than one character, the code source import will fail.
Use “\\” to define a special character as a delimiter. For example, \\$ for $, \\: for :, \\\u0009 for tab, \\\u0020 for space.
e. codeColumnNumber = Insert the column number that contains the code
The column number in the code source file that contains the code.
This property is mandatory.
f. ShortDescriptionColumnNumber = Insert the column number that contains the short description
The column number in the code source file that contains the short description of the code.
This property is optional. If not specified, the short description is considered as null.
g. LongDescriptionColumnNumber = Insert the column number that contains the long description
The column number in the code source file that contains the long description of the code.
This property is optional. If not specified, the long description is considered as null.
h. ignoreFirstRow = Insert “true” or “false”
Set this property to true if the first row of the code source files should be ignored. The default is false.
This property is optional. If not specified, the first row will not be ignored.