Module for HIPAA 9.6.April 2016 | Understanding and Using HIPAA Module | Installing and Using HIPAA Module | Creating Clients that Send HIPAA Messages | Overview
You create an Integration Server client to send HIPAA messages to Integration Server. Examples of applications that might use clients to send HIPAA messages are:
*An external system that sends a HIPAA message (for example, SAP or Oracle).
*Integration Server sends a HIPAA message to another server.
*A trading partner that is not using webMethods software that sends a HIPAA message.
The client can use one of the following transport types to send the HIPAA messages:
*File Polling
For more information about using EDIINT, see the webMethods Module for EDIINT Installation and User’s Guide. The remainder of this section describes clients that use HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or File Polling.
When a client sends a message to Integration Server, the client must specify the content type of the data and identify which service to invoke to start processing the message. When Integration Server receives the message, it passes the message to the appropriate content handler based on the specified content type. The content handler, then, begins processing, which includes creating the pipeline. For more information about creating clients, see the webMethods Service Development Help for your release.
Client sends HIPAA messages to Integration Server