FIX Module Version 7.2.December 2014 | Understanding and Using Fix Module | webMethods FIX Module | Installing webMethods FIX Module | Upgrading from FIX Module FIX Module 6.5 to FIX Module FIX Module 7.2 | Step 4: Change IS Document Field Names
Step 4: Change IS Document Field Names
Updating FIX Message Version 4.2
Updating FIX Message Version 4.4
In FIX Module 7.2, some fields in the ApplicationMessage part of the IS document type have new names and structures. These changes affect IS document types that correspond to FIX message versions 4.2 and 4.4. Follow the instructions in this section to update the specified field names for version 4.2 IS document types. (IS document types for version 4.4 are updated when you install FIX Module 7.2.)