FIX Module Version 7.2.December 2014 | Understanding and Using Fix Module | webMethods FIX Module | FIX Module Services | wm.fix.cluster:getClusterMembers
When using Coherence clustering, retrieves the list of all the nodes of the cluster if Integration Server is cluster enabled. If Integration Server is not cluster-enabled, this service returns an error. This service is not available with Terracotta clustering.
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
Document An array of all nodes of the cluster.
*memberAddressString IP address of the cluster node.
*memberPortString Port of the cluster node.
*memberUIDString Unique ID of the cluster member (unique among all the members of the cluster). The ID is assigned to the node by Integration Server.
*isConnectedString Indicates if the node is connected to the Appia engine. In a cluster only one node is connected to the Appia engine.
*True—The node is connected to Appia engine.
*False—The node is not connected to Appia engine.
String Optional. Error message generated while retrieving the cluster member list.