Module for EDI 9.12 | Installing and Using EDI Module | Reconciling Functional Acknowledgments | Information Module for EDI Records to Reconcile FAs | FA Statuses | Setting FA Status Manually
Setting FA Status Manually
You can manually set the FA status of EDI documents that did not receive any acknowledgments if the following circumstances are met:
*The document is a group-level transaction, for example, X12 Group and UNEDIFACT Group document types.
*FA reconciliation is enabled (that is, the FAReconciliation EDITPA variable is set to true). For more information about this variable, see FAReconciliation Variable.
*Edit EDI FA Status Attributes data permission is set to true.
*To manually set the FA status
*In My webMethods: Monitoring > Integration > B2B > Transactions.
*Search for the transaction of interest, and then click the Details icon.
*In the Transaction Details section of the Transactions page, click the Attributes tab.
*From the EDI FA Status list, select the desired FA status.
*Click Save.