Module for EDI 9.12 | Understanding EDI Concepts | Processing Inbound EDI Documents | Processing Rules for Inbound EDI Documents | Processing Actions
Processing Actions
You can use all of the Trading Networks processing actions for EDI documents. For inbound EDI documents, typically you will use the Execute a Service action to process the inbound document. You create the service that the processing action invokes. The logic you add to the service depends on the split option and the type of document (for example, Transaction, Group, or Interchange), as follows:
*When the split option is Transaction (or File) , the EDI recognizer sends all three types of documents to Trading Networks for processing. You will create a processing rule for each type of document. The logic you add to the service for the Execute a Service action is based on the type of document:
*Transaction (or File) document . This document contains a single transaction set or multiple TRADACOMS messages. For this level of document, add the logic that you want to perform against the transaction set or the messages. For example, you might convert the transaction set data to an IData object so you can map information from the transaction set to an internal-format document. Then the service could send the internal-format document to a back-end system.
*Group (or Batch) document . If you want to generate a functional acknowledgment (FA) for an ANSI X12 or UN/EDIFACT Group document, the logic in the service might generate the FA and send the FA back to the sender.
*Interchange (or Transmission) document . You might set up the processing rule to ignore this document (that is, perform no processing action) because you have completed the processing in the other documents.
*When the split option is Group (or Batch) , the EDI recognizer sends Group and Interchange documents (or Batch and File documents) to Trading Networks for processing. You will create a processing rule for each type of document and specify processing actions based on the type of document:
*Group (or Batch) document . In the logic you add to the service for the Execute a Service action, you might generate an FA and send the FA to the sender. Then, you might loop through each of the transaction sets in the group segment and perform processing against each. For example, you might convert the transaction set data to an IData object so you can map information from the transaction set to the inputs of another service, then invoke the service.
*Interchange (or Transmission) document . You might set up the processing rule to ignore this document (that is, perform no processing action) because you have completed the processing in the logic for the Group or Batch document.
*When the split option is Interchange (or Transmission) , the EDI recognizer sends only an Interchange or Transmission document to Trading Networks for processing. You will create a processing rule for the Interchange or Transmission document. In the logic you add to the service for the Execute a Service action, you might generate an FA and send the FA to the sender. Then, you might loop through document to access the information in the transaction sets, so you can perform processing against each.
For more information about defining processing rules, see webMethods Module for EDI Installation and User’s Guide.