Module for EDI 9.12 | Installing and Using EDI Module | Forming EDI Documents to Send Outbound When Using Trading Networks | Creating the Service to Form the EDI Document | Before Creating the Service to Form an EDI Document
Before Creating the Service to Form an EDI Document
Before you create a service to form an EDI document from an internal-format document, be sure you have the following:
*The flat file schema that defines the structure of the EDI document that you are forming. If you installed the TN document type for this EDI document, the Module for EDI installed the flat file schema as well. If you did not install the TN document type for this EDI document, see Defining TN EDI Document Types.
*Optionally, the flat file schema that defines the structure of the internal-format document. This is needed if your client passes the internal-format document to your service in String format or as an InputStream. Your service uses the flat file schema as input to the wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues service (or the wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms:convertToValues service) to convert the internal-format document to an IData object and optionally validate the document's structure. If your service receives the document as an IData object, a flat file schema is not needed. Use Software AG Designer to create the flat file schema. For more information, see the Flat File Schema Developer’s Guide.
*Optionally, an IS document type for the structure of the internal-format document. This is needed if 1) your client passes the internal-format document to your service as an IData object, and 2) you want to validate the internal-format document before forming the EDI document. Your service uses the IS document type as input to the pub.schema:validate service, which performs the structure validation. For information about creating IS document types, see the webMethods Service Development Help for your release.
*Trading partner profiles of the internal-format document. For information about creating profiles, see the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.
*Trading partner profiles for sender and receiver of the outbound EDI document. For information about creating profiles for senders and receivers of EDI documents, see Defining Trading Partner Profiles.
*Default and, optionally, partner-specific EDITPAs for the sender/receiver pairs in the outbound EDI document. For information about creating EDITPAs, see Defining EDI Trading Partner Agreements.
For ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT users: When using non-standard processing, you also have to define: 1) Interchange sender/receiver pair information and 2) Group-level sender/receiver pair associations. For more information, see Defining Interchange-Level Sender/Receiver Pair Information and Defining Group-Level Sender/Receiver Pair Associations. For more information about the difference between standard and non-standard processing, see webMethods Module for EDI Concepts Guide.