Module for EDI 9.12 | Building Services with EDI Module | Part II WmEDIforTN Package | WmEDIforTN Util Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:reprocessDocument
WmEDIforTN. Force the reprocessing of an EDI document that was not processed due to a validation error. Reprocessed EDI documents are sent to Trading Networks processing rules and bypass document recognition.
This service splits the EDI document according to the EDITPA splitOption variable and sends the resulting documents that it split out to Trading Networks processing rules separately. For example, if you specify an Interchange document and the splitOption variable is set to Transaction, this service splits the EDI document into an Interchange document, Group documents, and Transaction documents; then sends the Interchange, Group, and Transaction documents to Trading Networks processing rules for processing.
Input Parameters
String The Trading Networks internal ID associated with the EDI document that you want to reprocess.
String Whether you want this service to automatically generate functional acknowledgments (FA) when reprocessing the document.
Automatically generate FAs. Only specify true when you are reprocessing a document that contains an invalid interchange control number. For documents that have a REJECTED status or were rejected due to invalid group control number, the FAs were already generated when the document was originally processed.
Do not generate FAs.
String Whether you want this service to update the next expected control number in the EDIControlNumber table.
This service calculates the next expected control number by adding the control number from the reprocessed document to the configured control number increment. If the result exceeds the configured control number cap, this service sets the next expected control number to the configured control number minimum. For more information about control numbers, see webMethods Module for EDI Installation and User’s Guide. Specify true or false.
Update the next expected control number in the EDIControlNumber table.
Do not update the next expected control number in the EDIControlNumber table.
Output Parameters
Document The BizDocEnvelope for the document that was reprocessed.
Usage Notes
To obtain a list of EDI documents that were not processed due to validation errors and their Trading Networks internal IDs, use the wm.b2b.editn.util.reprocess:listUnprocessDoc service.