Module for EDI 9.12 | Building Services with EDI Module | Part II WmEDIforTN Package | WmEDIforTN TRADACOMS Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:getFFSchemaNames
WmEDIforTN. Returns the names of the flat file schemas that can be used to parse the parts of a TRADACOMS file.
Input Parameters
Object The BizDocEnvelope that represents the TRADACOMS file.
Output Parameters
String The namespace name of the flat file schema that can be used to parse the header message of the TRADACOMS file contained in BizDocEnvelope.
String The namespace name of the flat file schema that can be used to parse the detail message of the TRADACOMS file contained in BizDocEnvelope.
String The namespace name of the flat file schema that can be used to parse the VAT message (if present) of the TRADACOMS file contained in BizDocEnvelope.
String The namespace name of the flat file schema that can be used to parse the trailer message of the TRADACOMS file contained in BizDocEnvelope.