Module for EDI 9.12 | Building Services with EDI Module | Part II WmEDIforTN Package | WmEDIforTN TRADACOMS Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms.doc:getContentPart
WmEDIforTN. Returns a Trading Networks bizDocEnvelope content part object that represents the requested content part.
Input Parameters
Object The BizDocEnvelope that represents the TRADACOMS file.
When you invoke the service to retrieve the bizdoc document from the Trading Networks database, make sure that you retrieve the contents of the bizdoc by setting that service's getContent input parameter to true. For more information about the service, see the webMethods Trading Networks Built-In Services Reference for your release.
String The content part of the message to be returned. Specify one of the following:
The message of the file that contains standard header information, for example, MHD type of INFVIL or GENHDR.
The message of the file that contains the body of the message, for example, MHD type of INVOIC or GENRAL. If this input value is specified, then the detailIndex input parameter is required.
The message of the file that contains VAT information, for example, VATTLR.
The message of the file that contains trailer information, for example, INVTLR or GENTLR.
The STX segment and BAT segment (if present) for the transmission that contains this file.
The END segment, EOB segment (if present), and reconciliation message (if present) for the transmission that contains this file.
String (Optional) The number of the detail message to extract from bizDocEnvelope. If the value of partType is not Detail, then detailIndex is ignored.
Output Parameters
Object A Trading Networks bizDocEnvelope containing a representation of the specified content part.
Usage Notes
*This service throws an exception if:
*bizDocEnvelope is null.
*partType is null or is not an allowed value.
*The value of partType is Detail and one of the following is true:
No detail index is specified.
The detail index is not a number greater than or equal to zero and less than the number of detail messages.
*An error occurs while reading the document from the database.