Module for EDI 9.12 | Building Services with EDI Module | Part II WmEDIforTN Package | WmEDIforTN Core Services | Summary of Elements in this Folder | wm.b2b.editn:getTransactionSetDetail
WmEDIforTN. Converts a TransactionInfoSet object to a Transaction record.
This service accepts output from the wm.b2b.editn:getICDetail service’s editn_env output parameter and extracts transaction details inside each group detail record.
Input Parameters
Document List Array of IData output from the wm.b2b.editn:getICDetail service.
String Name of the actual encoding used to extract the contents.
Output Parameters
Document List Updated array of IData objects with transaction header information for each of the transactions within every group's details. These transaction header details are populated under editn_env/group/transaction.
Usage Notes
The contents of the pipeline for EDI Interchange and Group documents changed from Module for EDI 6.0.1 to 6.5.2. In 6.0.1, when the processing rules for Interchange or Group EDI documents triggered a service, the pipeline contained a Transaction record under the editn_env pipeline variable. In 6.5 and later, the pipeline does not contain a Transaction record; instead it contains a TransactionInfoSet object. Use this service to extract the transaction set details from the output of wm.b2b.editn:getICDetail.