Module for EDI 9.12 | Building Services with EDI Module | Part II WmEDIforTN Package | WmEDIforTN Core Services | Summary of Elements in this Folder | wm.b2b.editn:wrapData
WmEDIforTN. Inserts a character string at a fixed length position to form fixed length data. This service is used to create wrap data to send to a mainframe system.
Input Parameters
String Input source data.
String Fixed-length position at which to insert the character string.
String Character string to insert.
String Character used to fill empty positions in data that does not match the desired fixed length.
String How the character string is inserted. Specify one of the following:
fully wrap
Count to the fixed-length position, and then insert the character string.
semi wrap
Each carriage return/line feed will reset the length. The wrapValue character string will be inserted only when the record is longer than the wrapSize.
String Whether you want the fill character to be appended in each segment if the length of the segment is less than the value of the wrapSize parameter. Valid values are:
*true—The fill character is appended.
*false—The fill character is not appended.
This parameter is applicable only when the style parameter is set to semi wrap. When the style parameter is set to fully wrap, the wm.b2b.editn:wrapData service will behave as expected irrespective of the value you provide for the appendFillCharInEachLine parameter.
Output Parameters
String The output data with the wrap value inserted.